The Essential Elements of a Healthy and Sustainable Democracy.

Empowered Citizens: Citizens must be engaged, informed, and have their rights protected to participate effectively in the democratic process.

Fair Processes: Elections, legislatures, and policymaking institutions must follow accepted rules, have checks and balances, transparency, and independence from undue influence.

Responsive Policy: Government policies should weigh all citizens’ interests equally, provide for the common good, and establish institutions that protect individual rights.

Information and Communication: Access to accurate, trusted, and representative information and opportunities for public discourse are crucial for an informed citizenry.

Social Cohesion: A shared sense of purpose and identity, embodied in the phrase “we the people,” is implicit in a democratic society.

Civic Virtues: Qualities like humility, honesty, courage, temperance, charity, and faith in democracy itself help citizens uphold democratic norms.

Equality: All citizens must be treated equally, without discrimination, and have equal access to rights and the ability to participate.

Accountability: Politicians must be accountable to the people, act consistently with their will, and face consequences for abuse of power.

None of this is possible as long as:

• Money/greed has a role in choosing our political leaders – We need publicly funded elections.
• All votes are equal – the Electoral College has to be abolished.

There are other changes that need to take place, but they all flow from these two root causes.

If these two things don’t change, American Democracy will not survive.