From someone in the process of doing it.

I hope you beat the odds!

16% men and 8.5% of Americans die before reaching 60 years old.

Approximately 69% of all Americans reach their 70’s. Slightly higher for women.

It has fluctuated in the past few years, but only 2.5–6% of males and 8.5–9.2% of females reach age 80.

The breath of someone in their 90’s and above is rare air indeed.

The average life expectancy for men in America today is 70.2, for women it’s 76.5.

Most of us won’t beat the odds because that’s how math works, and we should plan accordingly. I hope you beat the odds, but I hope:

• For you, that you live life like you won’t.
• For your family, you plan to have a simple life at the end.

When it’s all over, if we have lived a full life and left few burdens for others, there’s little else we could have done.

Live well and plan well.