A #MAGA decision every American must make.

Come November, you’ll vote, or you won’t. That’s your choice.

10 years from now, will you be proud of that choice? Will you be able to explain it to your friends, your family, your children?

Will they respect the choice you made? Will they respect you for making it?

I suspect that depends on the reality they are living in at that time.

It might make your choice easier if you make your voting decision based on reality now, (not emotion, hate, rhetoric, or lies).

Have an open mind. Look around, many good things are happening. Inflation is coming down, roads and bridges are being fixed, the economy is strong, wages are growing.

It took time to recover from a pandemic that affected every economy on the planet. The US led the way in that recovery!

Let’s not derail it now.

In November – You will either vote for a convicted felon bent on revenge, and support the political party that enables him. Or, you will vote for a man and a party that will protect and defend our Nation and our Democracy for future generations. A man who supports the rule of law.

Choosing not to vote means you don’t care about what happens next. I think you do.

Look at the facts and do the right thing. Do it for those you care about. Do what you know you should do.

10 years from now, you, (and those you love), will be proud that you did.
