Post 2 – June 24, 2024

Chats with Trump Supporters

Title – Angry White Guy

Participant – Single white male, mid 60’s

Me: Thanks for agreeing to talk with me today. If you don’t mind me asking, why did you agree to participate in my project?

P1: Oh, I heard the rumors about your Liberal interviews and wanted to give you my two cents worth. (We moved from the cafeteria, where he approached me, to a vacant classroom – The door remains open, I purposely allow him to sit near the door hoping he would relax – He is sitting sideways in his chair, not looking at me, he seems unsettled).

Me: Good, I welcome your thoughts.

P1: I’m not sure you do, I think you being here is a problem.

Me: Why is that?

P1: You are just here to ruffle feathers and upset people. People like me and people I care about.

Me: What have I done to upset people?

P1: Talk your Liberal Bullshit, that’s what! We don’t want to hear that crap! We come here for a meal and fellowship, we don’t come here to hear your Liberal crap!

Me: I don’t speak to anyone that doesn’t approach me, other than to exchange greetings. So, if someone listens to me speak it’s only because they have asked to, like you did just a few minutes ago. (A poor effort on my part to deescalate the situation, for sure – He’s pissed).

P1: (Finally turns to face me) I didn’t ask to talk to you, I just wanted to set you straight mister!

Me: Okay, go ahead.

P1: What do you mean?

Me: Set me straight. Tell me anything you want me to hear. I won’t interrupt.

P1: I’ve said what I wanted to say – You don’t need to be here! Simple as that!

Me: Okay, well . . . Would you like me to ask a couple questions so you can see what I am doing during these interviews?

P1: I don’t care what you do. I’m not answering any questions I don’t want to answer!

Me: No problem, no one has to answer questions they don’t want to answer.

P1: Okay, whatever, get on with it!

Me: Alright, I guess the best place to start is to ask you why someone holding different political views than you upsets you so much. Can you explain that to me please?

P1: It’s destroying America, that’s why!

Me: I see, can you give me an example of what I might be doing that is destroying America?

P1: You support Joe Biden don’t you?

Me: Yes.

P1: Well, that’s enough! He’s tearing this country apart at the seams! (He’s very agitated, almost emotional – Turns away again).

Me: Okay . . . (He interrupts)

P1: He does whatever Barack Obama tells him to do. He and his son Hunter are just corrupt, in it for the money. Prices for everything are crazy! Crime is the worst it’s ever been!

Me: Well . . .(He interrupts)

P1: Don’t try to tell me I’m wrong, I’m not! That’s what you were going to do isn’t it, tell me I was wrong! I’m sick of that! I’m not wrong! Do you really think I’m wrong?!

Me: Yes, much of your information is incorrect.

P1: Based on what source? The Media? (Chuckles)

Me: Multiple sources, I . . . (He interrupts)

P1: Whatever, look I’m not playing this game with you. I don’t care what you have to say. I don’t care about your sources. I don’t care what you believe! I believe what I believe and there’s nothing you can say or do that will change that! (There’s a bit of a pause, and I decide to end the conversation).

Me: Okay then, I appreciate your sitting down with me. (I offer to shake his hand, but he just gets up and storms out saying something to the people in the hallway that I couldn’t hear).

I have had many different versions of this interaction over the last few months. Until now, I have not posted them. I didn’t think it really added to the conversation. But after getting several comments from many of you, suggesting that I was somehow more successful in getting these people to talk than you are, I thought it was important to post one.

I’m probably no more successful than most of you at getting Trump Supporters to talk, I just make more attempts.

PostScript – I had noticed, during my conversation with the Angry White Guy, that others were watching us and apparently talking about his behavior. After I moved back out to the cafeteria, and after he had left, several (6 to 8) individuals came by to assure me that he didn’t represent everyone there, and they apologized for his behavior. They said he was always a hot head.

I also had more people making eye contact, I saw more smiles. My not returning his hate and apparently won me some favor with those in attendance.

I was able to conduct two more interviews that day and scheduled one more for the next day I was planning to be there.

All because of Angry White Guy! If he knew how much he had helped me out, it might have upset him! 😉

Look for another new post later this week!

* Subscribers to my blog got an early (Sunday) preview of this post. The link to my blog is on my X profile. I hope you will subscribe! It’s free!