A few hopeful thoughts . . .

It’s important that we look back and celebrate those we’ve loved and lost. To appreciate those who paid the ultimate price for our freedom.

It’s also a good time to create memories for others to cherish after we’re gone.

I would like to offer some advice about this particular Memorial Day Weekend, if I could please.

Disengage in all things politics. Set aside the angst, lay down the phone. Don’t give a single moment to Trump this weekend!

Gather together with those you love and have a delicious meal. Complete a family project or do something you’ve been putting off.

Accomplish something and then consume a lovely adult beverage!

You’ll feel better. You’ll recharge.

For the betterment of your mental health, (and for those around you), allow yourself to feel content and optimistic this weekend.

You can do this! Trumpers have ignored reality for over 8 years! Surely you can manage to do it for one weekend!

My sincere wish is for you all to have a few precious hours of peace and joy. You’ve earned it!

I’ll see you back here bright and early on Tuesday! 💞